Spring has Sprung...
Spring is here in SE Texas. At times, it feels like it is summer already here. That just means things are getting very busy here on the homestead. So here is a little update on what all we have going on...
The incubators haven't stopped running for two months now. We are hatching as fast as we possibly can. Chicks are being bought or traded as fast as they can be hatched, this includes ducks. I am keeping what we need and what is best for the homestead and selling the rest to help feed all the new babies. It's a round and round game during this time of year.
This year the garden has exploded. We've added a new back garden that will be the grow sight for corn, okra, cantaloupe, sunflowers and watermelon. Basically, all the things we don't have to babysit. We have also added a herb garden in the front. I love growing and drying my own herbs and this will be perfect. Our usual garden is still half full of onions, garlic and shallots. We will harvest them in summer. The other half has been tilled up and yard long beans have been planted. Tomatoes will be put in this week. Grapes have been planted on the fencing to vine. Cucumbers will be planted along the fence line as well.
I am being very focused this year on the garden when it comes to planting what we will use and exactly what we will sell. I am growing what we will use and trying to grow enough for a full year of canning. So that means, I am hyper focused on tomatoes, green beans and cucumbers. Those will take up the majority of our crop this year but we will enjoy some of the melons and pumpkins.
Lately, I feel like I am going, going, going but I know it will all pay off in the end. I know I have been called to this lifestyle and I will continue to push until we are as self sustainable as we can be.
I am working on a new menu of goods that we sell and the chickens we sell. With the new breeds we are getting I am hoping to add to our list.
Y'all stay busy!